A downloadable game for Windows, Linux, and Android

  Good day, everyone. This game is a parody of the popular game UNDERTALE. The author is a big fan of the original game and does not intend to offend its creator with this project. This is a Ukrainian project, but there may be more languages in the future.
  Unfortunately, this game is not currently playable. You can try it out, but please note that it is still a raw product.


  Добрий день панство.  Ця гра пародія на популярну гру UNDERTALE. Автор дуже обожнює орігінальну гру. І не хоче цим проектом ображити автора орігігналу.  Це український проект, але можливо буде більше мов.
  Ця гра зараз, нажаль, не іграбельна. Ви можете пограти, але це просто сирий продукт.

Переходьте сюди, якщо вас зацікавила моя гра:
Come here if you're interested in my game:

А це гра мого друга. Дуже раджу:
And this is my friend's game. I highly recommend it:

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Linux, Android
Rated 3.1 out of 5 stars
(33 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel, Fighting, Puzzle
Made withRen'Py, Adobe Photoshop, FL Studio
TagsAdult, Anime, Eroge, Erotic, Hentai, ukraine, Undertale
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


UNDERRULE34 0.3 Win 273 MB
UNDERRULE34 0.3 Linux 229 MB
UNDERRULE34 0.3 Android 280 MB

Development log

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I apologize, but this project has been closed due to the complexity of realizing the ideas I wanted to see in this game. However, there is a version of the game on the RPG Maker engine. It is made up to Toriel's house and is uploaded to the website where my profile is located. On the new engine, you can play in English, but it won't be my translation. Through the "Dreamsavior" application, you will be able to play my game "UNERRULE 34 RPG" in English. My translation will take some time, as I am not fluent in English. Thank you for your attention. Enjoy the game!


this is gold

i love this 


Коли оновлення

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Хто зна

so adventure time but anime but it's undertale


Is there a way to play some of it in English cause Everytime I try to switch the language it won't let me change the language and I don't know the creators first language I'm guessing please don't get mad at me I'm just guessing it's your first language but yeah


if what I am seeing in this chat is true and the dev isn't working on this, I am sorely disappointed. I love the undertale franchise and would happily download and play this game. I tell you, my russian(?) friend, I see promise in this project. /Если то, что я вижу в этом чате, правда, и разработчики не работают над этим, я очень разочарован. Я люблю франшизу undertale и с удовольствием скачал бы эту игру. Я говорю тебе, мой русский(?) друг, я вижу перспективы в этом проекте.


I do not speak Russian. I am not Russian.
I speak Ukrainian. I am Ukrainian.

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very sorry for assuming. did my point at least get across? / Дуже шкода, що припускаю. Чи моя думка хоча б донесла? (i think this is proper ukrainian, please correct me if wrong) 

because i would love to play a full version of the game / тому що я хотів би пограти в повну версію гри

I've made a new post on this topic


Please make the game in english

Where updates?


in short, the game is dead, dev doesn't work on it and just making memes in telegram and posting them


Can you add english in the nexT update? I don't understand ukrainian. Thank you.

Коли оновлення 💀


I can't change the language, I don't know Russian so I thought it would be good to change it to English because even though it's not my language I can understand it enough, the problem is that I can't change the language.


That's not russian


It's still under development. The only avaliable language for now is Ukrainian.


Thanks for the clarification

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Картинки на itch.io складають враження що це 3д гра де "ходи, клацай Е усюди та балакай", а не новелла.
Я розумію що це прототип, але в єдиній локалізації і вже є купа помилок та відчуття типічного гугловського перекладу. А посилання на телеграм навіщо взагалі ??? Це типічна группа з крінжом та псевдо мемами (де теж є помилки в тексті), зробив би тоді дискорд сервер для гри. У твіттері (aka X) теж нічого цікавого, перший пост взагалі складає враження що ти поляк, ютуб канал це взагалі помийка... зробив би чистий ютуб канал для гри. Демка занадто коротка, оцінити вже складно якщо не влазити у сам редактор та дивитися, єдине що можу сказати, взаємодія з об'єктами на кадрі після діалогу дуже не зручна чомусь для мене фіча, хоча в новели з подібною механікою граю не в перше. Можливо я забагато хочу враховуючи що продукт "сирий". А ще не розумію навіщо робити 4 версії гри коли основна в занепаді.
Чекаю на якісь оновлення, брате!

Осьо я розумію. Заради такого я й заходжу в коментарі в itch io


Will you put the game in Spanish?

Hello if you like i could help with the project free of charge


Too good to be true-

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If you cannot change the language, it's currently limited. Just wait. (I tried translating it to English myself but it failed)


Hey, I can't switch language to English. That's quite annoying.


If the english button is already working in the new version can you not just release it as a hotfix? Kinda ridiculous to just say "wait for updates" when it is unplayable if you only speak englis


The new update has other character sprites. Others approach writing and the like. Banal beginning of different, and then abruptly breaks off and goes the old version. I think it would be better to release a better product. By the way. Language button: will work, but still no translation. Since I wrote other dialogues. So what's the point? So I ask you to wait

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True I only am able to speak and read English I don't want to run every little thing through a translator on the web just bc I can't read the language but at least the art style is good


English speakers when somebody doesn't speak English:

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Their point is that the english translation button is already there, not to mention the game title and game page are already translated. Also point not being made english speaking people (especially americans) are used to reading poorly translated and/or poorly worded texts or translations of texts, so just put the script through any old free translator (although please don't use google translate, it is very bad at translating russian) and you have your translation... (Btw i know its russian because my sister took some russian classes and am good at remembering even the smallest details to tell a languages' lettering apart from others).


I already wrote that now the game has a completely different look. That is: the game that is now on the page of the game site: is already old for work. I do not have access to that old version, so I am not able to add working buttons to the old version that is now on the game's website.

About translation. I use "Reverso Context" and use "Glosbe" a bit. I know that "Google Translate" is not worthy of use.

I'm sorry I have to say it again, but I don't know Russian. Only Ukrainian. And the project will not be Russian at all. I will leave here a link to the site about the Ukrainian language. If, of course, it will be interesting: 

oh, thank you for the information, and I'm sorry for the assumption, I have always struggled with slavic based languages. As I like to say; "Praise the developer".


The English button won't work. Hope it can get fixed soon


I really hope this game could be finished but free to download 'cause of my poor family.

And no offence,I'm a lesbian so would u mind some girls' love in the game? I'll be really thankful if that can be added.


yo bro, if u need it i could help u with the translation to spanish ^^


ouahhhh it can be so cool, very hype for this, please don't cancel this


Dude can you fix the english button plz


In the new version, the button already works. Please wait for updates


Heya, I found your game coincidentally and hell, it got me interested but sadly I cannot play the game with this language:{


вау українська локалізаці


the game is only on this lenguage? not in english? and if exists on english,how i can use it,thx for read


English isnt a option yet from what i heard but i also heard chatgpd or what ever its called and auto translate it


ok,thx for the info bro :)


so far i really like the character design, i would play this if it was finished for sure.


Does the English option not available on Android at the moment? Since I can't press on it for some reason.


Currently, there is no English language option available (on PC and Android). However, work is being done to address this.


Is is still being worked on it's been a while


Hey! I was scrolling on the itch.io page and found your game, i loved the idea of a undertale VS do you have an e-mail that i can reach out to you?


hope you make this as english


i too


can you??


I don't know Egnlish. Only maybe my Friend



Chat GPT know🙃😉


о_О real


oh i see


Мої надії щодо підтримки андроіду, будуть до останнього.😞


Я теж



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  • Задумка непогана . Персонажі також непогано намальовані(хоча не мішає різноманіття , а то більшість на 1 лице) ,але помилок дохуя

Дякую :(


Та не ображайся 
Просто усвідом , що мало того ,що треба прописувати нові діалоги ще треба виправити старі)
Якщо коротко то у тебе ще багацько роботи)

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

it looks like a great game, i believe theres not enough undertale nsfw games! however..sadly i cannot play it due to no english language but, if you ever decide to create it in english, id love to try it!



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Перший...коментар в підтримку проекту!



